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November 29, 2014
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Whether we are ready or not, December is only 1 day away.  December means, hot chocolate, fires in the fireplace, holiday decorations, lights, and maybe snow (not so much in this area, but you never know).  Every year, we anxiously await the square lit up with a string of lights.  There’s something about the twinkling lights that wipe away the stress of the holiday season, even if it’s just for a second. Thankfully in West Tennessee there are plenty of opportunities…

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November 22, 2014
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 Christmas is right around the corner — 27 More Days! Have you gotten all your presents for your friends and family yet?  This year don’t get them something traditional or something they’ll expect; buy them something unique and one-of-a-kind.  Go Local this year! Rather then buying perfume or cologne or a dvd they could get anywhere, go to a local business and pick out a hand carved wooden box, a hand crafted piece of jewelry, or a local small bbq joint’s…

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November 8, 2014
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November 11, 1918 11:00AM -When fighting stopped between the Allied nations and Germany during World War I, just seven months prior to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles to end “The Great War”. A year later on November 1919, President Woodrow Wilson made November 11 Armistice Day by stating, “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for…

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October 31, 2014
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This year it is estimated that Americans will spend $7.4 Billion (yep, billion) on Halloween costumes, candy, and decorations according to NBC News.  No need to assume that we love Halloween.  From haunted houses to scary corn mazes, we have a fascination with the supernatural world.  We tend to think Historic = Haunted and many historic homes, buildings, places tend to take advantage of this time of year to draw visitors to their “hauntedness.”  Whether you’re into the spiritual hunting or…

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October 25, 2014
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61 Days until Christmas! 54 Days until Hanukkah! Holiday Season is just around the corner!  Will you be prepared or will you be scrambling at the last minute to pick out the perfect present for your family members and friends?  Why don’t you get a jump start!  West Tennessee has many one of a kind places to find that unique, yet perfect something for your perfect someone.  Don’t get them something typical this year, get them a special treat that they will…

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